Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Each evening as I log in I pause to remember a night so long ago, we were all crammed into the Holiday Inn room with people wanting to feel the AC most sleeping on that side of the room.  As some were going to sleep and tiny Keanna was getting to sleep Jason and I huddled over a desk in the corner and he created the first blog, set everything up and got me started on this very long journey.  How I appreciated having the kids there and Dana, Sharon, I think Roxanna too.  We had returned to the room after spending the day with Nan in ICU, not that she knew we were there, she would not really wake for a few more days but we kept her little room busy all day and watched over her as gradually the blood loss slowed down and her vitals started their very long improvement.  It was incredibly wonderful to have family and friends near when Nan was so very ill.

This evening I met a new family who were considering renting the motorhome for a trip that is coming up soon.  We ended up spending a couple hours together driving the coach, going over all its features and trying to train them so they would have a great time.  They live about 40 minutes away and were eager to take a first hand look at the coach.  They really like what they saw and tonight I have a much needed deposit.  It could not have come at a better time and I'm thankful for it.
Of course the automatic step decided to not work this evening, not really a problem as I have a step stool I keep for those times when it is cranky.

This morning the girls were in good spirits but everything seemed to take longer than usual which meant that Keanna was almost late for school.  Once I was back at the office I picked up the writing process of an appraisal already started and finished it.  Then I dealt with conditions from other work I have done recently.  Considering that they are paying about 1/2 what we used to make they have stepped up the picky conditions 10 fold.  Its almost like they are trying to blow us out of the profession one way or the other.

Something very wonderful happened this morning.  When I arrived Steve was outside and had his truck running getting it ready for his trip to Patterson.  As I walked up I told him how the monitor for my computer had failed last night and then he disappeared.  In a couple minutes he appeared with a Dell monitor, said he had it in the attic and no longer used it.  Well it was so overwhelming to me as I was trying to figure out how I could find funds for a new one at CostCo and here he hands me one.  It was a very help and I appreciate it with all my heart.  It works great and is all set up and helped me get through the day today.

Keanna came this afternoon after her early release from school at 11:45.  She did her homework in about a minute, watched some TV, munched popcorn and then found some sewing things of Nan's and started sewing some little pieces of material together.  It was so cute as she learned to thread a needle and tie the thread, even finding a tumble to protect her fingers.  Very cute.

Please keep my friends Lois and Ray in your prayers.  Their life is totally messed up with her fall on my stairs, the breaking of two bones and all.  Also please remember Roger Peden as he is just sort of getting by while waiting for answers that so far are not back from the lab.  Roger and Carol need our prayers.

Well good night from sunny California,



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