Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Another day of normal

You know normal is not so bad, when its your heart rate that is.  Since it came down yesterday its stayed there and not bounced around at all, I am so grateful.

Woke early this morning and climbed out at 6.  Came down and wrote an appraisal first, then took Pooka to the park, then showered and learned I had lost 17 pounds, its now 209.5 and it used to be 226.5.  I'll take the good news.

I wrote up appraisals today until I was caught up, then prepared for a dumper in Vallejo and drove there this afternoon.  On the way I stopped at Starbucks and purchased a protein lunch they have, little pieces of cheese, grapes, a really healthy biscuit sort of thing with peanut butter and apple slices.  It is just a great lunch and I put a decaf with it and it makes my day.  In between I drink an amazing amount of water now, in fact I had to go by Costco to purchase more cases of water along with bananas and a case of green beans, one of my staples now.

The little house in Vallejo was rough, the back door had been kicked in but the house was not trashed to badly.  It took awhile to list all the problems as this is an FHA loan and they want to know everything that needs to be fixed.  Of course this is one of those things where all the comparable sales look much better.  Once I was finally through I hit the highway to come home, well traffic was backed up a lot on Highway 4 and it took awhile.  So the Costco visit and then Olive Garden for salad and soup but no bread and only water to drink. Tasted great.

Once I got home I set to work, having already eaten all I had to do was unload the car and work.  Now I'm almost completed with another report.  You see the faster I get the report in the faster the money comes in the mail.  Its a totally selfish motive really.

So far I have no work to do tomorrow.  I do have an appointment for the afternoon on Friday that involves cash, that will be nice.

Life is good with ups and downs but its still good.

Love to all


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