Thursday, January 16, 2014

Good evening

Talk about winter, as I was working in San Jose today the temperature was 75, could not believe we were having 75 degree weather in January.  We need some rain and soon.

Typical work day here, do research, set up new orders, thank you Lord, drive to AT&T store as the internet was not working, of course the young wiz fixed in by a hard reboot and all the emails came pouring in.  I need it to work as some orders come through the internet and if you don't claim them in two hours they go away to be given to someone else.  I hate to think how many orders I've lost that way.  Other companies send them by text and I hear texts as they make a different sound than the internet which has a soft beep and beeps all the time.

The drive to San Jose was uneventful and I managed to complete listening to a book that was long and very interesting.  Always hate to have a book come to its end, then what do I do while I'm driving afterwards.

The San Jose property was a townhome in a nice complex, the owner was great and met me and showed me through his home.  I think he may live there without a spouse, just guessing but his 22 year old college daughter lives there too and her room looked more like a young ladies room, tidy.

In our business tidy does not matter, called cosmetics, we look at the structure, the upgrades, the condition, the features, not the house keeping.

This evening I met Kallie and Keanna at the tumbling class room, took them both to the other side of town where I delivered Keanna to a dance studio, she is taking musical drama and is both learning to sing with vocal lessons but also how to act, both things she loves to do so this is great.  While Keanna was in class Kallie and I found Wendy's and she had her children's meal and I had a baked potato.  Since I had skipped lunch having only some peanut butter crackers and lots of water, bottle of it to be honest I was ready for some food.

You see this morning it was official, I have lost 10 pounds and now weigh 216, best in a very long time.  I'm planning to do something special when I get down to 200, not sure what yet but it won't involve food.  My heart continues to beat correctly and with the slight adjustment in dosage of the Coreg its now running about 60 during the day.  I'm feeling great but not sleeping very well at all.  I think my body was used to having fresh food dumped in just before I went to bed every night and is now wondering what happened, why it is so empty.

Well right now its time to rest, got to hear from Gerry Lammerding today and he sounded great.  He was talking about trading cars so I know he is doing OK.  He loves to trade cars, always has.

Love to all


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