Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Very scary last 24 hours.

I went to bed quite upset but ready to sleep.  Over and over during the night I was awake and since the room was warm I felt damp.  When I rolled out this morning I nearly kept rolling, the world spun around.  I used the iPhone to check my resting heart rate.  It was 136!  Not good, I knew my emotions had been on a roller coaster emotionally during the night but the normal I had enjoyed since the hospital was gone.  It was a scary moment.

So I dressed for a walk, drank my bottle of water and headed out with Pooka.  I put on the heart monitor that reads out on a watch and started walking but it was no good, I was just too worried about the heart rate that was bouncing all over the place so I came back.

I emailed the cardiologist, Dr. Hanna and he called me a bit later.  He said he thought it would come back down to normal by evening, that I should take an extra 1/2 pill of one of the heart meds at noon and relax.  So I did by inspecting two homes, one in Antioch and the other in San Pablo.  In Antioch I went to Starbucks and got a tea I can't spell but its sleep time Herbal.

When I was bending down to unlock the coded lock box to retrieve the key I noticed the monitor.  It said 70, I could not believe it and its been in the 60s or 70s ever since, 74 right now.  So I got my two houses inspected, all the comps shot, a new tank of diesel at $3.89 in Martinez and 43 miles per gallon.

On the way home I stopped at the post office to pick up the 5 letters from the IRS telling me that I no longer had an agreement since I have a new higher amount due.  It was alarming but I expected it, now just have to deal with it.

This evening I made a dinner with a small baked potato topped with a few pinto beans and a few green beans, a sliced tomato on the side.  It tasted good.  Just before I ate my blood sugar was 104, another low point and great news.

This has been a very scary day, IRS, heart and other added ingredients have all added to make it a challenging day.  I did what I know how to do, face it and get to work and tonight I'm relaxed and doing well.  I hope to wake tomorrow with a normal resting heart rate.

Sending love to all,


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