Friday, September 16, 2016

So its been a month

Good evening,
I am one week from being able to pilot my own car but for now I'm enjoying the company, great to have the house filled with happy, joyful family.  Clayton prepared some very good mac and cheese with baked top tonight, Jerry edged the front yard to make it all look better and I cranked out appraisals, yes I'm working full days now and Jerry drives me through traffic he hates but he does it just the same.

I'm feeling strong, yes I have pain and when a cough or sneeze I'm reminded that I'm not healed yet.  I'm sleeping well, talk to Moon many times every day and can't wait to see her again soon.  she is still with her friend and her family in Atlanta and is getting some very good meals but is still up late talking to Crystal and her mom, they both need her so much.

I'm loving feeling better, I do get tired and often am sleepy and worn out after seeing a property, I just put my head back and nap while Jerry drives and Clayton guides with his trusty smart phone.

I am very grateful to God for this recovery, flawless so far and a very strong heart, no flutter or A-Fib in days now for which I'm grateful as well.

Sending love from our house to yours tonight,


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