Monday, October 10, 2016

Buried with success

Good evening
for the past 30 years thanks to the great help of the Vogels who taught us the business I've been very busy creating appraisals.  I've had big years and small years but what is taking place right now is different.
When you combine my attempting to recover from the open heart surgery, a process they told me would take 3 months to recover from and you add in the most work I've ever had at a time when I was working alone, when Jessy has just been given the job of her life time with the police department and is just loving it, when she gives me all the time she can afford but its not nearly enough to keep up with the work load and training someone else is almost out of the question, so I just work and sleep and it does not see like I do anything very well.  I'm trying to keep a relationship with Moon building but I've not seen her in months due to the surgery and now the work load.

I'm depressed, am dizzy most of the time from the heart medicine, can't lift much and when I do my chest lets me know for the next two days, some days I wake with a headache that lasts all day.

Yes I pray and ask God for His help but sometimes I feel like God is way to busy with good people to notice my struggles.  Yes you are right, I'm down tonight.  I've just completed an appraisal that Jerry drove me to in Walnut Grove on the 15th, I've struggled with comps and everything, everyone is angry, I tried to turn it down but they said they had no one else who could do it and what a mess it has been.  Now its done but filled with dated sales that are located near and far from the subject property.  At least its done until tomorrow morning when they come back with a new set of conditions for me to deal with.

One thing I very much enjoy is coming to the Tracy church, I love the pastor's sermons and his leadership, I feel good about my family and I relax when I'm there with my friends.

right now I must go to bed, have to be up early and working tomorrow, try to take a quick walk to the park first, its depressing when everyone leaves and the sounds of the house are creepy and lonely.  They were a great team but it had to end.  I was well and strong.

Please include me in your prayers,

Love to all


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