Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The challenges of life

Dear Family and Friends,
Welcome to each of you and I hope your day was productive. Mine was barely so as I continue to come up against a lot of fatigue. Today I refused to allow myself a nap, trying to break the bad habit I slipped into when I was so ill.
Ken and I walked and found ourselves in a light rain storm with wind whipping. We were very glad to get back to dry homes. When Jerry came down we built a fire and enjoyed watching a log he had trucked down from Weed go slowly up into smoke. The sight and the warm room were great.
I made breakfast of oatmeal, stripples, OJ, wheat toast and banana. Jerry had some very good jam a friend made last summer.
I then set to work to complete an appraisal that was due tomorrow. Got it done which felt good.
This evening we went to town to see Keanna at the gymnastics class. She is doing really terrific and has learned so much. Kallie had stayed home with her daddy so I missed her.
I sort of hate to be around people due to my awful cough, Dr. Jim is helping with some antibiotics which I'll pick up at his office tomorrow. I hate to take them but without taking them I don't get well, just cough and tear up my lungs and walk through life like a zombie, on the edge of fever, hurting head and very little drive.
Today has been laundry day. The dryer has developed a horrendous squeak that emits its ear piercing sound every rotation of the drug, we tried to get to where the sound is coming from today but had no luck, its too deep in the bowels of the machine. Even with the hall door closed it is pretty loud and disturbing. Yet another project to tackle when I feel better.
Professionally this is the lowest point for orders I have ever experienced. My two main clients have not ordered anything for a week and only a few other orders have come through. As I watch the days count down to when the house payment has to be made it fills my heart with dread, that plus feeling less than good makes for a subdued boy. Jerry's being here helps a lot, someone to talk to, to share ideas and memories with has been great.
So for now its bedtime. I'm trying very hard to get to bed for enough rest and we walk at 6:30 in the morning.
Are you facing serious challenges in your life? If so lets pull for each other, if not I'm glad, this is not so fun to live close to the edge all the time. I'd rather work hard than hardly work.

Love to all



  1. Hang in there! You've had lean times before and they always end eventually. The hard thing is the patience required to wait it out; don't know about you but that's never an easy thing for me. I have a new job now which is a good thing, especially because we will soon have company-provided health insurance again, but it seriously cuts into my personal life! And I'm soooo tired when I get home in the evenings I can barely function. Getting enough rest, as you say, is the key. Every day is another new adjustment. Chin up - we're both gonna make it!


  2. Hi Tim,

    Hope things pick up for you soon, business is the "Pits" everywhere.

    We will try to send this comment and see how it goes this time.

    Bye for now.

    Bob & Carrol.
