Monday, April 26, 2010

This pink is really awful, it will change, promise

Dear Family and Friends,
A day to be thankful for.
Ken and I beat the pavement at 6:30 and I felt rotten with coughing and congestion when we started out but it gradually grew better as we walked. After a nice hot shower and tasty breakfast, I'm poisoning Jerry with vege meats etc, poor guy, he is so nice, never complains.

We left for Palo Alto at around 10 and arrived there at 11:30. Using the code for access we found a cute little house that had just been updated. Still it seems a poor house for the $305K they were asking for it. After we shot comps we were guided to a Taco Bell by the GPS, had quick lunch and then headed to Lafayette.

In Lafayette we found a lovely home on a downsloping lot. It had a great view, an exciting owner who enjoyed showing her beautiful home. Then we spent the next few hours locating and shooting comps in the hills.

At 4:10 we set our sights on Brentwood and the Weight Watchers meeting. The traffic seemed to part for us and we arrived early. In spite of my evil ways lately eating wise I lost .2 pound for a total of 12 pounds now. Jerry sat in the meeting and observed. Very helpful meeting. And to celebrate the meeting we drove to Stockton to Spaghetti Factory and had whole wheat pasta. Now we are home feeling very full, very tired and pretty satisfied.
1) we had a safe day 2) there was work to do and we did it 3) we had a chance to share lots of stories from our childhood and of course Jerry's childhood was just after Columbus discovered America since he is much much much older, funny we move about like we were about the same age, but of course he is much wiser.

Good news, Lammerdings were able to access the blog. Now if we can just get the color changed, right!

Love to all


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