Friday, January 8, 2016

Interesting week

So many things to be thankful for, health, rain, friends, family, plenty of work that slipped in almost unnoticed and filled the time.

Today was an unusual day in that I slept in until 9 am. It was a chance to catch up from a night ago when I worked until 2 am.  I just love the flannel sheets, they keep out the chill and I can snuggle down under them like I did when I was a little boy at home or at my grandparents house.  Nothing quite like hearing the rain on the roof, feeling the warmth of the covers and knowing you are secure at least for the next few hours of time.

How many of you grew up sleeping under a mound of blankets rather than have a heated room at night?  I know I started my life living with a wood stove which only was warm when someone kept it stoked and full of wood so mornings were chilly but quickly warmed as the wood stove turned red with the heat of the wood.  Our family grew up on 80 acres in Washington and it rained, it stormed and sometimes it snowed and we had cows to milk, jobs to get to and life was I guess pretty difficult but it seemed OK then, everyone did their part and it was pleasant most of the time.

I'm so thankful to have life and to have some very good friends right now, perhaps one of them will become more than just friends in the days ahead, only God knows and He is not telling right now but I sure seek His will and help every day.

Sending love to all, so proud of my family, all 8 of them, they all know how to work, to care for their families and to be productive parts of this great society, just proud of them.  This year for Christmas I received a new brief case which I'm enjoying so much every day, my last one was probably 15 years old at least and was wearing down, I'm also loving my new shaver, feels so good to actually be able to remove stubble in such a quick manner and so cleanly, I also received an outfit which I've been enjoying, pants and a nice shirt sweater, perfect for the weather lately, I also love the photos, the calendars, the things the kids create and the candy that I don't need but certainly enjoy so much.

Life is not the same since Nan died, it never will be but it is good and getting better once again.



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