Friday, January 16, 2015

Blessed day, busy day

Well here I am writing and its midnight.  What a big day.  Up early and to Elk Grove by 8:40 through some pretty interesting fog.  Great home, nice people.  Then to Sacramento where on the second photo my camera died, the lense would not open anymore.  so I shot that one with my iphone and then found a Best Buys.  I was able to replace my Canon sure shot with a new one that sold for only $78 dollars and with tax was about $90.  It takes the same batteries, I have two that I recharge so now I have two chargers and three batteries. The camera works great.  not that I would have selected one that was bright red but it works, it was cheap and it all worked out.  Then I headed out from Sacramento to Concord down 80 and across. 

The Concord property is a real challenge.  Located right on the edge of Clayton and concord and in the middle of a normal subdivision this one has 1.5 acres, so there is the challenge, finding sales of properties with large sites,  I shot some and we hope they work out.

Then it was back to Antioch but it was getting dark.  Of course this home did not have the power on, bank owned and they are so cheap!!  But it too worked out, the new camera seems very good at taking photos in low light and then it was head home time. 

I stopped at a place called Diggers Café and had a Garden Burger, so good and with a side salad that was good too.

I've worked the evening through and today a nice check arrived which will help cover the house payment that is looming right now.

God is good and kept me safe and awake today.

Love to all of you


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