Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Avoiding the rain

Its been a few years since we've seen this much rain.

Today I had no appointments out so just settled in to work, set up orders, make appointments, make delicious meals, chat with Moon, text with Moon, shop with moon! and enjoy the day.

Having promised that I would write an appraisal this morning when I first woke up I came down and did that, no breakfast, just some hot chocolate and several hours later it was shipped out, of course its back with many request for things to be different, this company is unbelievable in their "conditions", glad I don't work for them that often.

Once the appraisal was shipped and there was a break in the weather I ventured out and did my 3 mile walk.  Sure there were a few rain drops at times but it was pretty enjoyable to just be out and even see a bit of sunshine but the clouds were so dark and low and sure enough this afternoon its been more rain.

Tomorrow I'm out at noon and then at 4 pm with an hour of travel in between the two locations, Dixon and Stockton.  Just very thankful for the work, thats my mantra.

The new ATM card arrived today replacing the one I misplaced when in Houston.  Glad to see it, like to have options in my wallet.

So thats it for this evening, just working, staying warm, enjoying having work to do and hoping for a lot more to come in, would love to be able to hire helpers again because I'm so busy, right now thats not the case.

Love to all,

Keep warm, dry and we all know the sun is coming, day after day of sun and then we would like a day of rain!


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