Friday, August 8, 2014

Its finally Friday, a challenging week

Rough last two days, Ellen got as far as customs today, flew through them fine for herself but her luggage of gold from her father stalled and the airlines and the customs want an additional large sum of money to satisfy the government.  Of course none of us had any money so she is back in her hotel again tonight, we were so ready for her to fly here, I had flowers ready, she was dressed in her traveling blue pants suit but it was not to be.  so we are both back on our knees this evening seeking God's answers.

Please pray that God will guide and help us, He has helped so many dozens of times in the past and we know His leading, now we need Him once again for this final leap to each other.  Please pray that God will remember Ellen who is all alone in Chicago with no friends and no family.  I may end up flying back and then we drive out together in a rental car, we can do in 3 or 4 days, I've driving the trip many times before and if customs says that is a good way to deal with the issues then we will consider it.

Thank you for your prayers and kindness.

Today was very tough, I have many clients angry over not getting their appraisals fast enough but I'm so buried with work, I probably have at least 3 times the normal orders right now and I'm working night and day and not keeping up.  Not sure how long my health can hold under the stress and strain.

Oh how I need the Lord's help in all things.

Sending love to all,


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