Sunday, December 2, 2012

Kallie has a dance recital

This morning found incredible rain falling, I picked up Keanna and we headed over early to hold a place in line but when we got there after fighting our way through torrential rail they let us into the lobby.  The recital was just precious, lines of little girls doing their cute little routines to Christmas songs.  Kallie was at the end of the line and enjoyed doing her cute little routines.  Later when Santa came to read a story she was the nearest child to him.  I'll include a photo but she is just a bright light due to the way I had to take the photo.

Once we were through we went to UNOs for lunch and it was so fun.  Then we went our own ways and I shopped Walmart for a bit, can't say I enjoy being in Walmart much but I found what I needed, a device that allows you to plug three 12 volt plugs as the Civic has a single plug and I need more, GPS, XM radio, Phone charge, game charger, laptop charger etc.  You get the picture.  While I was there I checked on grillers and found them for $2.71, best price I've seen in awhile.

Once home I settled in and have been writing appraisals.  Steve had written one for me and I was able to get that one out plus one for a big house here in Discovery Bay. 

This evening I've been watching some back episodes of the original CSI, the one set in Las vegas and I'm ready to check out Vegas again, been years since I've been there.

So here are a few cute photos to enjoy.  Its been a super kiddo weekend, got to love that.



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