Thursday, December 27, 2012

Saying good bye

I've just come from Lodi where I bid farewell to Pam, a lifelong friend who is making a huge change, has sold her home and is driving to the Seattle area.  We had dinner and it was hard to see such a great friend for the last time for awhile.  Yet she is delighted to be moving into her future and I'm very happy for her.

The rest of the day has been catch up work on appraisals.  On one I could not make the sketch of the floor plan work out so I called, sought permission to come back and measure again and drove to Tracy.  I carefully went over the house, found a series of small errors and now the sketch works, I don't have to go back very often but when it happens there  comes a time to just cut the losses and drive back and solve the problem.

Sure seems different to have a quiet house, Pooka looks constantly for guests and just keeps looking.

This afternoon I had a 1/2 of cord of Walnut delivered and this time I paid to have it stacked as well.  Of course I payed a lot more for it than what wood sells for up where my brother lives but this is the bay area and wood is like gold here.

Well I have to finish the Tracy one before I go to bed so I guess I'll say goodbye now to you and go back to work.

Love to all,


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