Monday, December 9, 2013

Still very cold, 29 degrees at the moment outside

How much longer will it last?  This intense cold that creeps into every crack, chills one to the bone in a few steps, a day, a few days, what can we expect?

Tomorrow Sean, Steve's friend who works in heating and cooling, is supposed to come and make the furnace work again.  It would be nice as I don't want to blow through my wood too fast.  Right now the house is 68 and a fire simmers in the stove but what will be by morning?  54 degrees again?  Yikes that is cold.

Today I've been at the computer most of the day cranking out work, then at 2 I inspected a perfect property up in Oakley, what a beauty, though the owner is an auto mechanic his work working skills are incredible.  The entire garage is full of wood working equipment even to an exhaust system. 

On the property I found a large pool with safety cover, a huge gazebo, a sport court, a fire pit, epie wood decks, brick patios, childrens play area, trampoline area and an acre of landscaping.

As soon as I finished up inspecting I raced to the school to pick up my girls, then it was too the house and popcorn, Popsicles and fun.  When Nikki came we worked together to set up a second little bed in the children's guest room and she went after some spiders with the vacuum.  It was fun to have people here as this has been sort of a low day emotionally for me.

This evening Sibyl, my sister called and as we talked she shared some diabetes ideas that seem to work for her.  It was good to hear from her.

This evening Nikki and the girls joined me for dinner at the Boardwalk.  They really have it decorated for the holidays.

Right now its 29 outside and the night is young.  I wish Pooka would come in for the night but she is determined to stay outside, I'll never begin to understand why?  The kitties are in by the fire and they are not budging for the night.

Well this is it, I'm out and going to bed, a bed that is only cold for a minute before I make it warm.

Love to all


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