Thursday, September 29, 2011


I'm not sure just how I did it but for two days I posted on an old blog site, so sorry about the confusion.

Another long one today, while I'm thrilled to have work at this level I've got to find help with the writing end of it.  The reports we write now take much longer, perhaps double what they did 5 years ago.  Are they better?  In some ways and in others they are just more steps to reach the same conclusions.  It irks me that Fannie and Freddie are dictating these changes when they are the jerks that caused much of the present disaster in the country.  Yet if one wants to work right now, he write the reports the way they want them or they are rejected.

I woke this morning to pages of conditions for two reports that had just been completed.  So far I've dealt with one and resubmitted it, the other will come in the morning.  Mind you these are not suggestions they are making, they are demands yet these people making the noise are not the lender, they are failed appraiser who now work for the management companies, they run the report through their computer and it spits out the wayit should be, no allowance for the fact that the house is 111 years old and there are almost no comps, they just demand more comps like we could create them.

Today Marilyn was kind to drive over and take the kiddos to school so Steve could leave for an early appointment in San Ramon.  Then when she returned I asked her if she would like to got to Morgan Hill.  We spend a lot of time driving, locating and inspecting the house, nice little place on an acre tucked in the mountains west of Morgan Hill.  Then we drove the comps which were spread over a 5 mile radius. Then we found a Safeway that had diesel for $396 a gallon so I pounced on that.  Then we went to the deli for some very good sandwiches.

This was a warm day but the little beetle drives so nicely and stays very cool inside.  I'm blessed with that car, now at 252,000 miles and still going.

So now its bed time, its been a warm day but tonight its cool outside.

Please pray for individuals who are facing extra hard times right now.  God knows and cares.

Love to all


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