Friday, September 27, 2013

A very long week comes to its end, the girls are here for a sleepover!

Good evening,

Another incredible day with drama thrown in.

I started off the day seeing a local property at 8 am, it was for the IRS and cash was the incentive.  It worked.

Then Steve and I drove up to Oakley to see a house that turned out to be one of the nicest homes I've seen in a long while.  On the day the owner moved into a brand new home from JR Horton she had contractors ready to totally redo the interior with high quality tile, granite, new kitchen appliances, new floor coverings, new baths, Travertine everywhere, a huge waterfall in the back yard, a chimnea and lots of extras everywhere.  The home is perfect and we both enjoyed meeting the attractive owner, a lady probably in her 40s who was full of energy and along with her friend regaled us with stories.  It was a great experience.

Then we drove back to my house where I immediately loaded up the bug and left for Oakland.  On the way I deposited the money to make the accounts whole.  The trip went well and the Oakland duplex was very nice.  But a phone call from one of the clients lifted the stress level, she said she had to have an appraisal that lay on my desk only partially completed.  I told her by 3 but traffic began to slow me down, then I had to fill with diesel, not easy to find and then as I was nearing Brentwood the engine died and the car would not start.  I jumped out and pushed the bug off the lane so traffic could pass.  I got back into the car panting and scared, my new bug had failed.  After a few minutes I cranked and cranked and it started.  God was good to me.

Soon I was at home and I set to work on the needed appraisal and at about 4:30 it was shipped out.  Then I turned to yet another one that was promised today and got it out about 4:30.  The only reason I could do them so quickly is that Steve had done write-ups on both of them, I was so glad for his help.

The mail today turned out to be a faith building experience.  This is the 3rd day without any money and I need money for the IRS, the motorhome payment, the house second and lots of other end of the month expenses.  And I need to buy my ticket to Portland but I'm wondering how right now, one needs money to buy an airline ticket.

At 5 Nikki brought the girls to do a sleep over and then we go to church tomorrow.  Its great to have them and early evening we went to the park where they played and I met Vinney, a black pug that was so sweet and gentle.

Once we were back from the park, a perfect evening really with gentle breezes and the temperature just right, we ventured out in the bug to McDonalds where we picked up Keanna's dinner, then we walked over to Subway where Kallie had a pizza, very good and I had a vegeburger on whole wheat.

The bug started pretty well, not perfectly and we made it back home.  I've made pasta for Keanna and green beans to supplement her McDonalds dinner and Kallie has gone down for the night.  We read a story, precious times really.  She is surrounded by little people she brought with her and each has its own story.  Keanna will go down later as she is the Big sister and has a later bed time.

I'm thankful I made it home but wondering what to expect next from the bug, its been getting harder and harder to start lately and I'm thinking perhaps it may need a fuel filter or it could be something more expensive.  I really don't need problems right now with the "new" bug.

This has been a very busy week, both Steve and I have been busy for which I'm very thankful.

Sending love to all,


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