Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Kiddos lighten up the day

Good evening,

We are just back from UNO's where we had dinner with Nikki, Kallie and Keanna.  What an interesting time, kiddos are great and have been with me all day.

This morning I rolled out and came down to go right to work.  I built a fire to warm the place up, made a hot drink and started working.  The girls arrived while I was at the bank making a deposit and they played around the house until at 1 Keanna went to a friends house for the afternoon leaving Kallie and Marilyn to co exist.  I left about 2:30 to do a driveby appraisal in Pleasant Hill and then came back after dark.

What fun to see the ideas, the energy, the smiles of the little people God places in our lives.

Tomorrow morning we are leaving in the motorhome for Weed, exactly 300 miles away.  I can only hope and pray that the weather will be good and that our trip will be without an incident.  So in the morning I just need to jump up and write a review, then pack stuff in the motorhome, run to town to take a photo of a street scene and then hit the road.  I will drive about 60 for the trip so I'll be driving for about 6 hours when one factors in stops along the way.  As we have taken stock it looks like we'll be driving back a bit sooner than we expected since Kallie has a dance recital on Sunday, something I had overlooked and something I do not want to miss.

I look forward to the trip and getting to spend time with some very precious people in a beautiful part of the world.

Love to all,


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