Saturday, July 16, 2011

Incredible day

Good evening,
I first woke before 6 this morning, patted Starrs head and rolled over, the next time it was the alarm which starts a christian radio station and then it was 7:20.  After breakfast and a quick drive over to Steve and Nikkis I collected Kallie and we drove to church.  Kim had a good program in spite of wearing a boot for a nerve damage in her leg.  I played the piano and Kallie enjoyed herself very much.  We stayed for some of the VBS church service and then stopped at Burger King.  She ate well and played with kids and then we drove to my house where she got ready for a nap but a few minutes later she was up again, the room was too warm, to light and she was way to excited.  She played and we took a pail and she picked cherry tomatoes, she fed Starr treats and she watched some Dora.  Around 4 I took her home to meet up with her mom, they were delighted to see each other.

This evening I've been enjoying 3ABN.  I'll have to admit I'm not always blow away by their programing but tonight was totally different.  Danny introducted Tim Parton who went on to do incredible music on the piano.  He has had a career of playing for various gospel quartets, famous ones from the south, plays by ear and is as good as I've ever heard.  Then a lady was introduced that used to sing backup for all the music stars even to Mike Jager, done backup singing on Sat. night life.  She has some voice and is heading up a new 3ABN programing arm that is for the inner cities.  They only broadcast in Hi Def and the sound, the picture, the songs, everything was perfect.  It was a faith building evening and along with the speakers I heard earlier really excited me about life, faith and opportunities.  At 5 today my blood sugar was 100 so that was pretty exciting too.

Tomorrow was to be a day with family at Jason and Jo's house as we celebrated Timothy's birthday but this afternoon they had to call it off as Timothy was coming down with a cold.  Its very sad but totally understandable and wise.  We will just have to reschedule when he is healthy.

This evening I've polished off the USPAP course that is required for me to get my new appraisal license.  I've been working on it for a few days on line and now its done.  Now once I can locate $445 I'll send for my new license renewal.  Its up in less than a month.  Of course there was NO money in the mail today what else is new.

Can I remind you once again to love the one you are with,  I can only tell you what it is like to have NO ONE beside you all the time, it changes everything, you have no one to plan with, no one to share laughs, snacks, touches.  Its just you and the air, the quiet rooms, the ever awareness of being alone.  Do not take your mate for granted.  Treasure the time you have, do not let things linger that could be regrets later.  Maximize your relationship in every way, affirm, confirm, lavish, listen, adore, touch, do it now while you can.  If you are thinking you are falling out of love, step up and fall back in love, if you feel unappreciated and unloved, tell him or her, reach out, solve, talk, take a chance, love.

Good night family and friends,

You are precious to me,


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