Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Girls go to Sabbath School

Though many things took place today I think the title above is the most important thing.  When we arrived Kallie was the only child in SS but Kim held the full program for her which was very sweet of her to do.  I played the piano and Kallie had a great time.  Keanna was delighted that Sylvia was back and had a great time getting to be Esther today.

After SS we picked up some happy meals at McDonalds and drove back to Disco Bay to pick up a late rising Marilyn.  Then we drove the levee road to Stockton where we met Bob and Carrol at the Garden.  What a great time we had as we celebrated Carrols new mobility and got to see their new car.  The food was great as always.

We stopped by the house coming back and packed all their things and then I delivered them to their dad.  they were so glad to get home but were welcome guests at Pappa's house.

This evening we drove to Santa Clara where Kaylee is taking part in a Junior Miss Contest.  This evening they introduced themselves and there were about 100 of them doing so.  She did fine.  Tomorrow evening is the big final event and as of this moment I'm not sure we'll make it back or not, long way and get home very late.

I'm so thankful that my belief system has the Sabbath at its core, a time to change gears and consider family, God's guidance and a day without concern or worry and 2 checks just happened to arrive in the mail today.  I'm getting much closer to being able to make two house payments, wouldn't that be a blessing.

Sending love to all,


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