Sunday, February 9, 2014

A great winter day

Up late this morning, slept poorly, sometimes hunger pains wake me during the night, I'm really serious about losing and there is some discomfort that goes with the process.

Walked the 3 miles and then came back for normal morning routine.

Jessy arrived soon after and within 1 and 1/2 hours she had the files all in place, all logged out, in boxes which we put in the garage in their new places.  The office looks great and uncluttered, thank you Jessy.  Then she suggested lunch so we went to the Boardwalk, actually ate outside under a roofed area with a propane heater working nearby.  I had a garden burger on lettuce and with tomatoes, Jessy had a fish taco I think and I had a side salad that was so good, amazing.

Then it was back to the office where I prepared to leave to see a house and Jessy settled in to write up 4 appraisals, what a blessing her help is.  I drove to Kensington, an upscale area in the hills next to Berkeley.  Mist and fog hung low over the homes so the promised view of 4 bridges did not pan out at all.  The home was perfect, interesting, huge and yes I did get wet as I measured around its exterior.  The people were so great, interesting people connected to Berkeley and to the University of California.  I enjoyed my time there very much.  Then I drove through the deepening mist to find the comps, I hope they show up in the photos as it was dark and wet.

Eventually I finished up the field work and drove home.  On the way I got a chance to finish up the book I was listening to and chat with Art.
Earlier in the day Art and Connie ask me for a current photo which would show my face without a beard.  So Jessy snapped away and this is what she got.  I kind of like the photo so plan to keep it.
This morning when I opened my little frig by the wet bar everything was frozen solid.  The door had been opened just a little and the freezer took over.  The frig was turned to the coldest setting as well which makes no sense.  So I turned it off and let it defrost today.  This evening there was water everywhere but a huge solid piece of ice filled the freezer compartment.  After a bit of chipping it came away, is melting in the sink and the little frig is back in business without being ice bound.  Just another little victory around the house.  I've sent an urgent plea to a different heating and AC specialist begging him to fix my heater.  We will see what the response is.  I know God knows the answer to the furnace, perhaps I should mention it more often in my prayers!
As of this morning I weighed in at 204 so its down 22.5 pounds and I can see the first goal of 200 in my sights.  I am thrilled with the progress, with the way my clothes fit now, with the need for a new belt as mine is toooooooooooooo long now.  I feel good, I have energy, I jump out of the car at appointments even into the rain to get them done.  I am so thankful to my kids who were with me the day in the hospital and for Jason fixing a little dinner for me before he left, that was the start of this new me.
Tomorrow I have the rare chance to inspect two Discovery Bay homes one at 10 and one at 11.  Hard to believe how seldom I get to see local properties, this will be great.  Also a new renter has emailed hoping for the motorhome in June.  This is great news and it will help make the payment.
Well its bedtime now and the day has been good in spite of private moments of doubt about my sanity.
Love to all

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