Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bland day

Well you know as well as I do that not all days can be stellar, that some just sort of drag by.  Any time my orders are down, when I only have a few orders I find myself slowing down seriously.  Today was such a day. I walked early today as I wanted to have breakfast with my special friend at 10 and I had things to collect before I met her.  That part turned out well, the walk went as planned, the breakfast turned out fine but not all conversations end up well in the end.  Last night I had a hard time sleeping as I was dreaming of future events I hoped would take place but then today reality sort of rose up to challenge some of the dreams.  I'm a very emotional person so I tend to really feel when I think things are sort of falling apart, I often get it wrong, I got it wrong today and later conversations proved that to be true.  I had gotten messages that were not there.  Still a trying experience.

In the middle of the turmoil I inspected a house in Berkeley and found very nice people there.  On the way home I dropped off a little flower to help smooth the day and then raced to Livermore where I had a blood draw for Coumadin.  Then I raced home in hopes of money, yes there was $700 and I had 5 minutes to get it back to the bank.  I made it and the account needed the infusion very much. Wow that was close.

Once home I made a 4 pm lunch which was so good, filled my pill box for the week and now I'm settling in to write reports and get work done.  The day is still bland but I think that will be it for the rest of the hours.

Last night I was very much awake after a late evening phone call, it went so well that I could not stay asleep.  Just when I was about to really fall asleep in came the smell of skunk.  Since we are surrounded by water we don't usually get skunks, well last night we did and it caught in my throat so it took longer to go to sleep.  6 seemed very early this morning, well it actually was early.

Hope your day was better than mine,



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