Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Dynamic day

Good evening,

I'm just back from spending a nice evening with a friend and it was a nice way to end the day for me.  This has been a good day overall with its challenges both professionally and personally.  I know God had some lessons he wanted to teach me today, did I learn them, well I hope so.

Up and walking at 7, eating at 8 and discovering that the popcorn was not a great idea, up 2 pounds this morning, bummer.

I then settled into the office to work and get reports out the door, that went very well and by the time to pick up the kiddos I had experienced some success.  When the kiddos come in the noise level rises a lot, it did today but I think they enjoyed their time here.  They are a delight to have around.

In general my work load has increased a lot over the last few weeks, orders are coming in rapidly and so are the checks.  Today my first deposit for the motorhome rental arrived through Paypal.  I was disappointed to discover that they charge $41 dollars to process the deposit.  That seemed excessive and I'm think twice before allowing clients to pay that way or they will be informed of the extra cost.

I inspected one home this morning in nearby Lakeshore.  The home was large at over 3200 sf and very nice.  It is a pleasant part of my job to be able to see these homes and how they are decorated.

Well its time to turn in for the night, morning seemed to come rapidly even though I'm sleeping very well with the reduced food in my tummy, I eat nothing in the evening at all.  I never cough any more and that is worth going through all of this just to stop coughing.  My blood sugar is much better, they had to cut down on the Coumadin since due to the weight loss I was getting blood that was too thin with the 8 mg dose every evening.  Clothes fit now, pants are 36 instead of 38, belt needs to be replaced, its too long now.  There are so many benefits but my friend says I still need to lose the gut, she wonders why with the weight loss the tummy is still there, how to explain that I have a long way to go yet in weight loss.

Love to all


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