Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day by Day

Well here we are again, you sipping your hot drink and waiting anxiously to discover what calamity I fell into today.  Today was good.  I passed on the hike this morning knowing I needed to get a report completed and out and then to prepare for my trip to Oakland.  The traffic was terrible, remind me again of why I take early morning appointments that require passing through impossible traffic, seems one could learn eventually.  Once I got there I found a really interesting little home nestled in the Trestle Glen district, a unique area of Oakland that has so many interesting homes, sloping sites, narrow streets and sustained values.  The home had hardwood floors in perfect condition, clever design features, a little stone patio with little BBQ, the old kind with its own stone chimney.  The owner was a young woman who was working home today from Cisco and she was very interesting.  On the outside of the house plastered on top of the electrical service box was a no nonsense message, do not even think of installing the new kind of meter that can be read from else where.  She revealed she was a programmer and was aware of how sloppy PG&E had been in the entire meter process.  She was having none of it.

After seeing the house I raced back to pick up Keanna and found her full of energy.  She had had a blue day, that is the best behavior you can get at school in her class room and she was happy.  We set the timer so she could do a 5 minute math test, she did all kind of things including downing popcorn, feeding Starr treats and sharing her turkey sandwich with her as well.

Mid afternoon we left to drive to the girl scout function up in Oakley at a place called Pump It Up, a huge building filled with enjoyable bouncy devices for kids.  Then I headed back to Bed Bath and Beyond for my grand entry into shopping.  The couple had registered so it was fun, no wonder Nan enjoyed shopping if it was that easy.

At 5:20 I drove to the club and did the spin class, I forgot just how hard it is and what a sense of success just to be able to walk afterwards.  I was surrounded by beautiful people, ones about 100 years younger than me and they could do all the moves, the teacher Kim who is a knock out in her own right quietly told me to take it easy as I had not been there for awhile.  Heart attacks are so disruptive to a class.  Actually today I was able to do more active things than I've ever done before, somehow my knees seems more able to take the strain.  We'll see how that is in the morning.

So now its once again past bedtime.  Good night all,



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