Saturday, November 27, 2010

Good news, bad news

Dear Family and Friends,
As I write this evening the motorhome sits quietly in the driveway and is home from its 1600 mile venture to Arizona and back.  Wes and family had a great time and enjoyed the trip very much.  The motorhome performed very well and they are totally happy.  I too am happy that they are back safely after driving through really awful rain and wind.  What was interesting is this time both husband and wife drove the coach.  I don't think it has ever been driven by a woman before and she like driving it a lot. That could be interesting for the future.
So that is my good news, the motorhome is back safely.  The bad news came in the mail today.  A letter from PNC my mortgage company informed me that I did not have enough income to pay my mortgage therefore they were not going to modify the loan payment.  So now I must begin again I guess.  I've sent emails to the two counselors who I met with 2 weeks ago and we'll take it from here.  I have to admit it was a hard hit as I had hoped that all the hard work in getting all the paperwork ready would do the trick.
I've had a wonderful fire burning a lot today enjoying the wood that Jerry brought when he last visited. 
This morning Nikki and Steve allowed me to take the girls to Sabbath School and that was really enjoyable.  I was with Kallie and she really gets into the experience.  It was very very fun to get to have them both in the car and listen to their songs, their comments and their excitement about living.  How they were looking forward to coming home and decorating for Christmas.
This evening I'm made Ramein and a grilled cheese sandwich, I know not so healthy but oh so good.  Now before I head to bed I think I'll venture out one more time to Safeway and get a couple things, paper towels and dishwasher soup.  Just not ready to head to bed yet.

On EHarmony this evening a name popped up so I checked into her info.  Wow, she was a knock out and a family physician but she was so spectacular that I didn't even respond to her request for a conversation.  My impression is she is out of my league!  Yet she sure got my attention, very interesting views on life, on service, on family, sounds like an incredible lady.

I spoke to Barb Lammderding this afternoon and discovered that they were involved in a pretty nasty accident, the side of their Honda van was crushed.  While no one was hurt the insurance company decided to just pay them for it instead of fixing it.  So they have purchased a 2005 Honda Odyssey, white with brown leather interior, heated seats and they love it.  I'm so happy for them, glad they came through the accident OK, a lady turned into them while they were stopped, totally her fault.

Life sure moves fast these days.  I'm still reeling from the disappointment of the loan company denial.  I could take retirement money, catch the loan up and save the house but I'm not sure I want to use up my retirement funds to save the house at this point, does not seem to make a lot of sense.

Please pray that God will guide again as He has so many times.  Thank you for doing that.

Love to all,


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