Sunday, April 24, 2011

The flowers are in

I am happy to report that the flowers are in, the sprinklers work perfectly, the yard is taking shape, today between writing reports I trimmed roses, planted flowers, tried out the sprinklers.  Ask Starr, I had her enjoying the grass of the lawn and accidentally turned on the sprinkler for where she was sitting.  I heard her yelp and then I just darted into the spray and grabbed her out, toweled her off and she looked at me like I was nuts.  She has forgiven me now and is ready to go to bed.

I'm still very sore but relieved to have this project completed.  Now I'm more willing to take on other projects.  Like start preparing the house to be painted, replace some wood around the chimney for the wood stove on the family room wall, get the planters going for tomato growing on the back deck, jack up the back deck to get it more level, get the spa going again, knock down some weeds, get the boat running, just little things like that.

This afternoon LeAnn and Ken let me join in their easter fun and she had things Ken and I could eat without sugar.  It was great.  Then later I picked up a couple little toys for the girls and delivered them and while I was out picked up the pizza for their dinner, got some pieces for delivery service, so good!

Well I'm off to bed now.

Sending love and great hopes for the upcoming week for all of us.



1 comment:

  1. Photos, please! Your flowers sound so pretty. I have only veggies and herbs this year, but the daisies in the front yard are doing great, they are all colors. I love spring!

