Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It hurts so good

Dear Friends and Family,

What a day, really good overall.  Lots of production and Keanna came to visit at 12:45.  We drove to Antioch, did a driveby review and then visited the ToyRUs where Keanna made a purchase with her own dimes, quarters and nickles.  She counted them out and was so proud of her accomplishments.  She also was kind enough to point out what is needed for Easter and for her upcoming birthday when she will be 8.

We also did a driveby in nearby Bethel Island while we were out.  She played on my phone but the smurfs died because pappa was to cheap to buy them food (with real money no less).

After we got home I grabbed clothes and we dropped Keanna off with her mom and I headed for spin class.  I'm so glad I did.  Even though I hurt right now a bit the class was so incredible and today I was able to keep up for the first time, that means when others were up pumping I was too and when they were leaning on their handlebars called Butt Out per Kim the teacher I was too.  The knees did not hurt today and I was able to do so much more.  Felt good to walk out soaked but doing OK.

Came home and baked some potatoes in the oven while I showered and smothered them in broc and cheese that I made in the microwave oven.  It was a great meal.

So now I'm going to bed.  I've written three reports today, inspected three and took in three orders late this afternoon, blessed, you bet.

Love to all,


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