Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What a day

And not is a good way, I suppose we should not expect that every day will go well.

My day started off fine, up, showered and to the kids on time, when they came down they had breakfast on the table, mini toast, sausage, grapes sliced in two, milk and cereal.  I'd like to say they ate all of it but they did eat most of it.  Keanna thought my mini toast was the dumbest idea ever, so much for trying something new.

Once delivered I turned to home.  That is when it fell apart.  Somehow something got into my Outlook Express and started sending emails to every address in the entire system so all day I've had hundreds of replies since many of the email addresses are business related and very old.  Then this afternoon the Outlook Express quit working and the computer more or less froze up.  So for nearly three hours I worked with Jim, my great IT guy and then Comcast chat box and finally about 7 it started working again.  I was supposed to put out 3 reports this afternoon and I've just completed 1, I have two left over for tomorrow and then a day of fixing messes in the field even down to San Jose.

Not many things have gone right today and of course I was far too busy for spin class but I did think about it.

I'm hoping for a better tomorrow as when I explode then I have to calm down Starr as she thinks she did something very wrong.

Oh well I guess we should in everything give thanks.  Thats a tall order for this day let me say.  One nice thing was a decent check in the mail from one of the management companies, the faithful one that always pays on time.

So good night,

if you got an email from me today I'm sorry, I have no idea of how to fix it or even what it is thats doing it.



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