Saturday, June 22, 2013

Interesting Sabbath

This morning it was up at 6:30 and I was soon at the park with Pooka,  I observed a bit of preplanning for the days events.

Once home I took the boat out and trolling silently explored a bit of the lake while the geese and ducks watched nearby.  It was a perfect morning.

Then I helped Nikki and the girls set up the tent and shaded cover but then we left it there.

At 1 Bob Sorensen drove out and we had a very nice lunch at the Boardwalk, a favorite place for locals and then later in the afternoon we ventured back to the park, I helped Nikki move in with sleeping bags, blankets, food, ice chest.  As the afternoon passed the Lions served hot dogs to the crowd, there were pizza eating contests, a rock wall to climb and REI had a huge exhibit for the hundreds of people that gathered. 

Now I've just walked home from the park under a huge full moon leaving behind hundreds of sleeping campers in their tents.  I hope Nikki gets some sleep as there is a park light right above her tent.  Of course the girls are all excited with their friends.  During the evening as hundreds of kids raced about the park with little lighted sticks of many colors dozens of filmy balloons with a fire burning at the bottom were released in the night sky, some caught in trees, the fire department came but it was really beautiful as they rose hundreds of feet into the air and were blown away by the wind.  I really hope no fires were started by the event.

In the morning Nikki will call when she needs me to arrive to help load all the many items into her van and move back home.  Its a brave thing to do but we were with many friends tonight and dozens of kiddos that knew each other.  It was very special.

This afternoon I was delighted to get to see George and Yvonne, long time Tracy friends and it was really a nice chance to catch up with them on what is happening in Tracy.

Well now its time to rest.  I hope the dear people in the park get some rest too.



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