Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Getting help from India, very trying.

Dear Family and Friends,
All was going pretty well until the pop ups started.  Every 10 seconds there it was again, a box with yellow header telling me I needed to update my Norton Virus Protection.  Trouble is, I've not used that system in years but here was the constant barrage of pop ups, nothing would cause them to cease and I could not work while they were on the screen.  This started about 3:45.  I called my faithful IT guy but he must be on vacation, can you imagine, going on vacation when I needed him!  Finally in desperation I started searching for help on their web site.  Of course no phone numbers were in evidence, someone might actually call and take their time.  So finally I located a way to have a web chat, that sounded good and soon I was chatting with Alar, he was very helpful, even took over my computer and started to search for a repair but then I lost him, that was after 1 hour.  Then I tried again and that tech demanded to know if I was working with another tech, convinced that I was he signed off and left me stranded.  So I tried again and got a 3rd Mohammad was helpful and things looked good until after rebooting the computer nothing happened for 10 minutes and the cursor was frozen in place.  Hours later the 4th time the guy went right to it and deleted Norton 2002 from the computer.  True at least one of the programs I use all the time won't work now but I don't have to see the pop ups before my eyes.  It only took about 4 hours and high blood pressure.  Finally I was able to start working on the report at around 7:30 when I had started at 3:30.  Oh what an interesting time we live in.  A world where we make nothing here in our own country, pick up anything, even an american flag and its made somewhere else.  Filters for the frig, Taiwan, medicine cabinet for the motorhome, China, and so it goes.
This morning Papa cared for the girls, we made waffles, drank our milk, ate sausages and I delivered Keanna to the park in Brentwood 10 minutes early.  Then Kallie and I drove back to her place for the day which is in Discovery Bay and delivered her to the door.  On the walk to the door there is a little puddle from the sprinklers.  You can see her wind up for it ahead of time and she jumps in the water.  Now tell me is that learned or did it come from somewhere deep inside, something compels little ones to jump in water puddles.
Today I've enjoyed some real delights from my Tupperware which is filled with fruit, strawberries, blackberries, grapes and melon.  Oh is that stuff good.
Our weather is gradually cooling a bit but at this moment at 10 pm the little AC is still grinding away and its very warm outside still.  Tomorrow the house cleaner arrives at 9 so I've promised her the house will be cooler for the day as she works hard and there is plenty to do in this house at this time.

Well this is the report for today, life is good, at least average, health is OK, orders are in hand for now and this weekend will be a chance to see family, yea!



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