Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Winds are blowing at my back

Good evening
Well its been a good day, how bout you?  Good day too.  Ken and I walked at 6:30 in pleasant weather and then the morning began.  A small breakfast launched me into the day where I foundered for a bit wasting precious time on a variety of tasks, first off the computer mouse froze in place, then a warning from Symtec popped up every 10 seconds and no matter what I did it would not stop.  A call to my faithful IT guy Jim had him taking over the computer by remote control and jerking every place in the entire computer where that program showed it head.  That solved that problem and the computer began to settle down and work again but at least an hour was blown.
As I was sitting at the computer suddenly I remembered that I had made a 10 am appointment a couple weeks ago to see a local property so I quickly changed focus and prepared myself for that appointment.  What a pleasant experience to renew a friendship with a nice lady who was a broker for a very long time here in Discovery.  Now she is contemplating a move with her son to Battle Ground Washington.  I found that interesting as that is where my mom and step dad lived for many years, Andy for all of his life and my mom for the last 25 years of her life.  So I could fill them in a bit on what they could expect once they make the move.
After the appointment and welcome check it was back home to prepare for the next appointment in Brentwood.  I saw that one just before picking up Keanna from sunmmer camp at the club.  She was full of energy and ideas so we drifted over to a very nice McDonalds in Brentwood and she snacked on a full meal and enjoyed the play structure.  Then we shot comp photos and headed home.  While we were driving a call came in from a management company I had applied to long ago but never heard from.  Quality Appraisals was asking if I would do an FHA for a sale right here in Discovery Bay.  Of course they were offering $325 for a report I usually charge $450 for. Yet I accepted it as I would to develop all the avenues of orders I can find.  It felt like the Lord prompted her to call and she was excited saying she had no one on her approved list for this area.  Such is the way this week has gone.  Now I have rush orders to complete, some people have already paid me for work and I've gone from very slow to as busy as I could be at least for now.  I'm waiting for yet another order for Discovery Bay and then one for Hayward to materialize as well.  They have been promised, now to see them in hand!
At the present time I'm working my way through 3 books and am encouraged by all three.  I'm realizing that as I read the one about coping with grief that most of that process is now behind me.  My thoughts of Nan are positive, they make me smile, I remember our time together as a gift and one I will always treasure.  I also view the present as a time to discover what the future holds and have even realized that I might experience life in ways I have never experienced before, that is a new and exciting thought.
Just now Lois and I had a rather unusual experience.  She will be out of town quite a bit over the next few days and wanted to let me have a way into her house in case cats and dogs need food or water etc. We thought the easiest way would be to program #3 interlink in the van to open her garage door.  I have the other two links set to open my garage doors.  We carefully followed the instructions and at first it worked, the door went up and down and I headed home.  Yet the next time we tried it neither her remote or the car one would touch the door.  We tried over and over to program it but to no avail.  Finally I decided to make sure the path between the little red and green lights at the bottom of the door that reverse the door if there is any obstruction.  Amazingly we had shifted an old motorbike just enough that its tire was in the way of the beam.  When I shoved it in suddenly the door worked for both remotes and we finally had the success we were seeking.  Now I'm home beginning to write an appraisal I started much earlier in the day.
Late this afternoon both Kallie and Keanna were here for a bit until their mother picked them up.  They are so much fun.  I know for those of you who have little ones you get bored reading about mine and for those of you who do not yet have the blessing well you just can't know how much total joy it is.
So I bid each of you a good night.



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