Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Looking up, just a bit

Dear Family and Friends,
So here I am at the old computer 24 hours later than last time.  I will share this, my life is usually not boring in any way, lonely sometimes, but not boring.
Since Ken had a alleged meeting this morning I walked by myself.  The walk did lift my spirits which had been troubled all night, it was a warm night and not wanting to spend the money for the little AC I just slept warm.  Starr was very displeased with the temperature and could not settle down either.  I was awake many times with thoughts of despair filling my mind.
After the walk I came back and made oatmeal, toast and had some very good fruit.  Then I sat to work but before long the course of the day changed.  Jason and Jo made contact and wanted to see if meeting for lunch somewhere half way sounded good.  Well getting to see my kids and Timothy is always a great idea so we med at a Vegan place in Milpitas which was very good and crowded.  Once we finished eating we moved things from car to car and they headed back and I headed to a 3 pm appointment in Oakland to see a vacant lot.  I arrived early and so had the owner.  We discussed the needed report and he paid me in CASH, that felt very good.  For the next two hours I drove all over Oakland shooting comparables and hoping I could be back for spin class.  Well terrible traffic took care of that. 

Just before I left to meet Jason and Jo a rush order came in complete with credit card information.  I needed to see the property today and have the report completed by tomorrow.  Only problem was, how to get in?  My MLS electronic key only opens homes in my area, not in San Joaquin and to get one for that area would mean hundreds of additional dollars to join the board and get the key.  I've not felt I could do that yet.  So as I drove I called the agents involved and finally lined up a very nice agent who opened the door for me this evening.  So when I left Oakland I drove directly to Mountain House, inspected the house and finally arrived home.  Needless to say I am very tired tonight but also very pleased.  This afternoon my friend from Sierra Pacific Home Loans called to ask if I could do a rush in Brentwood, well I guess you can imagine my response, YES.  While I don't have that order in hand yet it is coming tomorrow so an orderless week has turned around for the good.

So this evening I'm sending you my very best counsel, hang on God is not through yet.


PS  I just started the dryer and it sounds terrible, friends are saying give up and buy a new one and I may need to do that but I'm going to take at least one more try at fixing it, after all it opens up very easily and I'm sort of learning my way around inside now.

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