Monday, August 1, 2011

Back at it....

Dear Family and Friends,
So finally the dam broke today, this afternoon three orders came rolling in and they are full fee reports, something new.  This management company charges $10 per report to handling it instead of the a third of the total fee.  I can handle that!

So I'm going to Hercules, Rio Vista and Sunnyvale.  The Hercules and Rio Vista are set for tomorrow but the Sunnyvale number does not seem to be working for access.  Two of the three orders were from a new company and that is very good news indeed.

This afternoon after clearing my desk, dealing with conditions, I left with the bug to find two back tires.  I decided I would go from dealer to dealer to find the best price but at the first one, a converted gas station in Brentwood they made a good deal so 15 minutes later I had new tires.  But they warned me that the car needs shocks badly, well it just might, the ones on it are from when it was new 247,000 miles ago.  Perhaps its time to consider shocks.  The car drove so smoothly after the new tires, it just glided along.

This evening chef Marilyn pulled out  all the stops, made a delicious dinner with lots of free food, that is veges which are free at weight watchers.  There was corn, a new kind of vegetarian chicken, mixed veges, cottage cheese, tomato slices, avocado and it was all very good.  This morning we made bread in the little bread maker and that loaf turned out great, very tasty and hearty plus we had the wonderful odor in the house for awhile.

I picked up a book that Dolly had sent, written by Joyce Meyers, she is really an amazing woman and the chapter I read had such incredible information regarding hope and sticking at ones dreams and plans.  It was a great lift and very motivational.  How often I fail to feed good things into my life and just allow the negative events rule the day.  Its good to remember from time to time that we are not alone, that there is an enemy who wants us to fail and a friend and Saviour who longs for our salvation.  Which direction will be head?  Its so easy to get wound up in selfishness, pity, bitterness, anger and wallow in it when there is a better way to live.

So tonight I'm sending my best vibes to each of you, encouraging you to face the frightening challenges that are ahead and strive again to allow a loving God to guide us forward.  Your struggles are different from mine but I know you face some, weight, anger, discouragement, relationships, money, oh there are plenty of hits on us these days but a better day is ahead if we claim it.  We can't solve everything but we can solve something.



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