Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cranking out the work

Dear Family and Friends

This morning started with a 3 mile walk around the lake in the cool part of the day.  Ken and I were once again able to hook up for our little jaunt around the lake and enjoyed seeing many other walkers out enjoying the time.

Once I returned I had breakfast, eggs, toast from the bread I baked with cherry tomatoes and mushrooms cooked in.  Once a week I have to reload my pill box and with the addition of several D pills the boxes are really full.  Jim said I needed a lot more D so now I'm on board.

I was very sleepy during a part of the morning and settled into the recliner in my master bedroom and just snoozed finding it hard to eventually wake up, get up, shower and start working.  Eventually I did just that and after a couple ice teas I began to emerge from the fog.  For lunch I had a bacon and tomato sandwich which was very good.

I've written two fairly challenging reports this afternoon and evening but have a couple more to get out.  At this point my mind has shut down so its to bed after I finish this missive.   Tomorrow promises to be interesting as I need to travel to Watsonville for a small townhome, then back to Clayton for a reverse mortgage.  I also need to reinspect a property up Highway 9 near Ben Lomond but I can't get the owners to ever respond to my calls.

Today I heard nothing from my courageous motorhome renters so I hope that means everything is working well.  That is what I hope and pray for.

Its been a good day and this evening Marilyn forsake her laptop games, her avid TV watching and reading her kindle for the kitchen.  We dined on baked potatoes, salad, corn and it was all very good!!

So until next time, love to all,


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