Monday, October 8, 2012

Just returned from a rather full day, D-Fib remains

It was such a shock, I thought my heart had returned to a normal rhythm after a couple days of waking to 75 beats per minute.  So I wrote an email to the cardiologist letting him know what was happening, he had asked me to do just that.  He replied that I should get a new EKG done to confirm the improvement.

We were in Tracy to do an appraisal so we sought out the Tracy Kaiser Medical building and had the blood work for the Coumadin then returned later for the EKG.  As soon as the gal finished I knew not all was well, she went to consult with the family practice doctor there, came back took a second EKG and went away for a very long time, finally she returned to ask if I had any symtoms, well not that I know of.  Then she said her doctor had spoken to my cardiologist and I was free to go.  So I walked out totally bummed, the EKG had lots of stuff written, nothing sounded good to me.

Our visit to the Tracy home to do the appraisal was a bust as well.  She had forgotten, she being a tenant so I'll go back tomorrow afternoon at 3, I love wasting time!

We then drove back to the office where I did some quick work that people needed, then we left for San Pablo.  We found a very nice mexican family with cute kids, trashy house, a very talkative parrot and two kids who scrambled into the attic to take the photo I needed.  Then we left for San Ramon and arrived late due to traffic and my poor planning.

The San Ramon home was nearly perfect other than the sons room, not so good!  Once we shot the photos we drove to Alamo a very upscale neighborhood where I saw the last one of the day.  A great family and a great house.

We were both very hungry so we found Red Robin and I had a Gardenburger with just lettuce and tomato, a salad and decaf.  The meal was perfect, our waitress attentive and cute.

Now we are home and both beat.  Marilyn has done all the driving today, reminds me of those days with Loren when he used to come with me.  She is very tired tonight but I think glad she could help out.

I did get test results back from the lab and it appears that I'm well on my way to the correct levels in my blood but the person who was to call me never did today so I took my regular dose of Coumadin tonight in hopes I'm doing it right.

Tomorrow back out into the field to see a few more, lots of new orders came in today, a curse and a blessing.  My life is in God's hands right now.



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