Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Another busy one but feeling good

Good evening,
On my way to bed now, started at 6, worked and then discovered I had forgotten to make steel cut oats, bummer, had a slice of my incredible bread with avocado and Stripples, talk about good!  Banana.

Went down to see Kallie at 8:30 all dressed in her Alice in Wonderful costume, then drove to Tracy for lab work and then to Mountain House to see a house.

Once that was over I returned to work the rest of the day in the office, Keanna was here but was a quiet as a mouse. This evening they came by to give me a candy bar and show their outfit.  I've included photos of course.

For dinner tonight I mad a mac and cheese dinner but saved 2/3 of it in the frig for another meal and had it with green beans.  I'm hungry now but I'll just wait for morning.

I'm so buried in appraisal work I can't believe it, so far I've not gleaned any helpers but I'm sure ready for some help.  Steve is getting on approved lists so he can get work directly so he will be super busy soon.

Well here are the photos of the girls, love to all


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