Sunday, January 16, 2011

Monterey Bay Aquarium with Family

Dear Family and Friends,
Today had everything but most importantly it was filled with family. 

Jason texted me this morning letting me know breakfast was ready.  He had prepared vegan waffles that were so good and filling they lasted for hours.  Nikki and the girls drove down this morning but first had to make their way through heavy fog and then cows that had invaded Vasco road. 

We drove down to the aquarium, found free parking and appreciated entrance with passes Jason and Jo found for us.  Raymond and Lea met us there so it was a happy group.  First we had lunch at the little cafe right in the aquarium and then started checking out all the interesting things.  There were exhibits of just about everything aquatic and living, slanted exhibits about the looming nature of global warming, some seemed a bit behind the actual data but hey they have a lot invested in caring for the creatures the God created long ago.

There were many children there, Mia, Kallie, Timothy, Keanna and Raymond and Lea's two little ones so that made the day much more interesting.  Keeping an eye on little ones who are mobile, bright and motivated presented us all with a real challenge.  What great kidos.  Not all were happy at the same moment and they splashed their way through exhibits where they could touch the water, stared at the amazing creatures behind the glass, played, napped and were all very tired by the time we left.  Every hour and a half all day I walked a few blocks to move Nikki's car to a new location and in doing so avoided having to pay for parking.

Once we left we joined up again at the Whole Enchilada, a 30 year old place on the way back to Watsonville.  The food was good but the service was very slow, it ended up taking about 2 hours to get our food, get it down, keep the kids on target and finally get the check and head home.  Nikki dropped me off at Jason and Jo's and then headed home in her trusty Pilot.  A couple hours later she texted that there was fog but she was safely home.

What fun to see the kids sitting together, playing together, growing much faster than a Pappa would like.  Mia was a great little gal today.  She took in the sights with wide eyes and seemed to enjoy everything around her.

Once I was back at the motorhome I went back in to play with Timothy a bit more.  After he went to bed he asked for me.  When I stuck my head in the door he asked if I cold stay the night in my motorhome with Starr so he could see me in the morning again.  Well that sealed the deal and I'm staying tonight.  No reason not too, the bed is warm, Starr is ready to sleep and this way I'll get to enjoy the kiddos a bit more in the morning before I head home.  I've been told that tomorrow is a holiday anyway but I have things to write up at home.

As many of you know who follow the blog I'm not all that jazzed about living alone, at having to go forward without my wonderful friend and companion for the past 37 years.  But at moments like today where I am surrounded by active and caring little ones and their parents life really glows again.  I have no idea what the future holds for me, I trust God has a much better idea than I do but I am eternally grateful for the family I am blessed with.  This has been a great day and even though we all ended up tired it was a day for the history books for our family.  I love all of you, family and friends.



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