Saturday, January 1, 2011


Dear Family and Friends,
Its late so I'll not write a big entry tonight.
Ken and I had planned to walk but we got rained out.  Then I just fell asleep under a little blanket with Starr at my side.  Finally I got up, showered and drove to Tracy for the Worship Service.  I didn't make it for much of the service and then slipped away to Olive Garden for Soup and Salad.  It was incredibly good.  I then drove home, rested the afternoon away until Steve came with his friend and we loaded up the reef tank.  Now I need to paint the wall where the tank stood.  I'm very glad Steve has the tank but once again I was caught by a pang of regret over the chapter where Nan loved her tank coming to a close.  I'm glad the tank is out and if it can help Steve in any way that is a good thing.
This evening a friend came and we watched a funny video and chatted like good friends do, the fire was wonderful and kept the room warm and cozy.
Now I'm heading to bed because task master Ken wants us to walk in the freezing cold wind in the morning. Then its off to brunch with a friend in Modesto.
I'm gradually feeling better, slightly but so much nasal congestion to cope with.  Last night when I went to bed I remembered that I had washed my breathing mask in the dishwasher.  Well it had not dried at all so had to go to sleep with some very soggy straps leaking water down my neck.  NOT fun at all.
If rest helps a person get well then I should be healed by now.
How is your new year going so far?  Mine is pretty much like the old year so far.
I've been thinking about the value of friends today, between friends and family I feel very blessed, yes even rich.


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