Wednesday, May 25, 2011

No New Orders!

Good evening,
Its been an interesting day, I'm sure you agree that when one really stops to consider most days are interesting to a degree.  The alarm startled me out of bed at 5:45 to a cool room and early morning light.  After a hot shower I loaded Starr into her little carrier, a converted laundry basket, and we walked downstairs.  I placed her where she always goes, the middle of the family room at the end of her line of little rugs and went for breakfast.
Then it was off to Nikki's for a 6:25 on time arrival.  She left for work and I checked out email messages on the iphone.  Soon the little voices began to be heard and Kallie appeared with her clothes for the day in her arms and a huge smile.  She was ready to live the day.  What a beautiful shot in the arm she is.  She petted the dogs, gave one a treat, made sure they had food in their bowl and then we discussed breakfast.
A few minutes later Keanna drifted in and with her sense of flair and drama soon turned the morning into an event.  We toasted yesterdays left over waffles, made sausages in the microwave, drank milk, broke a banana in two and then I showed them the cuties I had brought with me and they enjoyed them as well.  Mandarin oranges for those who have no idea of what cuties are.
No matter what time you begin to move to the car 10 minutes will lapse before we are really driving, it happens with differences but the same outcome every day.  I have an improved image of soccer moms, no wonder they drive by race car drivers and push you off the road.  They too have had the battle to get everyone into the car on time.
The girls were discussing Kallie's upcoming birthday and becoming three, they sang and made up songs and questioned how good of singers they were and before long I nosed the little bug between two huge SUVs and Keanna raced to school.  Then we made the short trip to the sitters, marvelous people who have done such a great job with Kallie.  Kallie enjoys holding my hand and then jumping out of the car to see just how far she can go, then she enjoys stepping in the puddle left by the sprinkers and leaving foot prints, she loves to turn back and see where she has come from and then there is that magic moment when she is enveloped into the activities inside and suddenly pappa is alone on the porch.  My work is done for the day.

I came home to clean my desk, check the emails about a hundred times hoping for orders, grabbing the mail, taking phone calls and doing the books.  At 12:45 I picked Keanna and we splurged at McDonalds for her and then ate at Strawhat Pizza where the salad bar is excellent.

This afternoon she enjoyed the fire, some TV programs, preparing her own brand of cherry drink, that was indeed interesting, smash ripe cherries in a glass, add water and sugar and Pappa has a tasty drink!

At 5 we left, picked up Kallie, drove to the house and Steve was home.  The girls were thrilled to see him after his working trip to LA.  Then I hurried to spin class, what a workout and how exciting that I lived through it once again.  As I was walking out I thought I don't have anywhere I have to be so I'll just do the routine with the weight machines.  It was great but I think I can feel it here and there.  Once I finally got home I asked Lois and Ray if they could enjoy some cherries and strawberries and we had a nice visit.  Lois is progressing so well in her recovery from the fall, the broken bones and the bruises.

This morning just after I got home the phone range and it was the lady from the county.  She pleased me by letting me know that she had come by yesterday and seen the motorhome behind the fence and she thought it met the spirit of the ordinance and it met with her approval.  That is such a big deal for me, I feel like a victory long denied has finally been won.

So now you know everything I did all day, is this like a long winded tweet?  Have not figured out yet why someone would tweet but if it brought me work I would tweet until the cows came home!!

Sending love to all,


ps  A fully thing happened today, going through the mail I say only junk and was about to dump it when a letter from an insurance company made me slightly curious.  Turns out that it contained a printed check for $375 for work I recently did.  Nan would always open everything, shake out the newspaper adds, just in case a check was hiding inside.  Pretty wise of her.

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