Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Wow, here we go again, determined to get into bed at a decent hour but then reality comes and pushes itself right into the office.

So this evening Ray and I drove over to Pittsburg and picked up the motorhome from Ron.  He has been living in it while his house was tented for termites.  So Ray was kind enough to drive the Civic home and now the motorhome is back in the driveway again, always nice to have something work out well and I'm $300 dollars richer.

This afternoon I got to meet some great people who live on the golf course here in Disco Bay.  He has spent his life in the car industry and has worked for Toyota for years.  It was just so enjoyable to meet such great people and of course it didn't hurt that he handed me an appraisal just completed on his house, he changed lenders and they demanded  a new one, how crazy is that!!

It was a good work day with lunch with Keanna and Nikki, the high point of the day!

So I've just completed the report for the property I saw in San Francisco and now I'm finishing up one that Steve wrote up for me from Vallejo in Glen Cove.  I am so thankful for the work that keeps coming in.  However with the spike in rates that might change as usually rates effect our orders.

I'm thankful for work.  Please keep our family in your prayers, that God will guide as we are in the midst of changes.

I had a nice call last night from Dana, Nan's younger sister who lives in Houston.  She is coming to visit this summer and that will be great, that girl can cook and she is crazy, just what this house needs.  Ronnie will come too as he has already taken vacation time.

Well its bedtime.

Love to all,


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