Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Long day

Dear Family and Friends

Once again its time to fold it in and sleep.  I'm so ready.

Today has been a less than inspiring day, seems the empty board with almost no new orders sort of gets to me.  I much prefer it full of orders and the pressure that goes with being busy.

I am thank for the one order that did come in today, must not forget to count blessings.  I've been trying to monitor my blood sugar today so have multiple sticks on my arm to try to discover what is happening in my body before and after I eat.  I did little brilliant things like boil eggs, not hear the timer and boil them dry!  Or spend half an hour on the phone with Kaiser trying to arrange a payment plan for the bills connected to my surgeries.  There were so many low points, hard to remember them all.

A nice moment for me is to hear from my family and I've had several emails back and forth with Jason, he is encouraging.  And a nice phone call with Nikki who reminded me that tomorrow is already Wednesday and that is my day to pick up Keanna from school at 12:45 so tomorrow will be bright as I get to catch up with her highness as she races through life.

This afternoon after I finished writing my last appraisal I went up and did the tread mill for 30 minutes and then a quick shower, felt so good.  Then to join Ray and Lois who finally decided to come home after visiting their San Jose home and then Sacramento too.  We enjoyed discount night at the pizza place and I ate a huge salad and more pizza than I should have.  It was good to catch up with them and I'm glad they are home again.

Some days are difficult to cope with.  I have this A1C hanging over my head, always financial obligations to care for that surpass my ability to create income, a house that desperately needs paint before it falls down, a VW that needs a new timing belt but that is about $750.

Please continue to pray as my family members do interviews, make plans etc.  How we all need to see things God's way, if only we could.

Love to all,


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