Monday, April 8, 2013

Long day in strange weather

Dear Family and Friends,

Long before it was time to get up the wind was making its presence felt and after I climbed out of bed the weather became even more boisterous and at times nearly shook the house.  Gradually the house grew colder and colder as wind leaked in around the dog door.  However in my office with its little heater things were cozy and comfortable.

I worked trying to get out as many reports as possible and then had to start seeing properties.  It began in Brentwood where two sisters have a very nice home in the Summerset subdivision, a 55 and over community.  It was hard to get away and they were very engaging and enjoyable.

Once free I drove next to Benicia where I saw a huge home located high on the hill.  It was perfect in every way and that one took some time as well.

Once I was through in Benicia I caught a vegeburger and headed for Dublin.  Once again the home was huge and the views impressive.  It listed for $920,000 and is in contract for $1,070,000 after multiple offers drove the final price higher and higher.  Now can I support that purchase price?  I doubt it since the comps are mostly in the low to mid $900,000s.

I caught some dinner on the way home and am finally settled in ready to head to bed now.

Lots of new orders are in and a good check came today which will help as always.

Sending love to all,


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