Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sabbath evening

Dear Family and Friends,

Just back from celebrating Keanna's birthday with her friends at her home.  What a noisy and happy bunch they are, outgoing, bright, energetic and bursting with 9 year old ideas, whether it is playing and enjoying the new CostCo inspired play set in the back yard that Steve and neighbors constructed last weekend, or dressing up or singing or acting.  Its all wild and so much fun to observe.

This morning Kallie and I went to church, Kim is such an excellent teacher and has so much patience with the little ones.  Telling the story of David and his care for his sheep with lots of little sheep toys, little harps, sling shots, fake food for the sheep to eat and then snacks at the end of the program.

After we left the room we visited Sylvia who faithfully teaches her class week after week and engages the kiddos in lot of activities all the while getting the message across to them.

Kallie and I visited Sonic for lunch, sat outside in the perfect spring day and just had fun.  Then we drove back to Discovery Bay where I left her with her parents, I went home to rest.  Then at 2:15 we left in the van for a rollerskating facility in Antioch.  Some had skated before and zoomed around while other like Kallie were pretty new to it, there was a snack bar, nice helpers and the time passed quickly.

Then it was back into the van where the girls sang along with songs Nikki found on XM.  After we got home I again went home for a break, then back for the party which was great.

Now I'm home to rest up for tomorrow.  I'm to be in Fremont at 10 in the morning.  Fun fun.

Love to all

Happy Birthday, the 10th, to Keanna.


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