Sunday, July 11, 2010

The big three!

I'm trying to blog from the iPod and it takes a bit longer. In fact I'll finish later.  Well now I'm back to my laptop and can write a bit faster.
We had a wonderful time celebrating timothy's big 3rd birthday.  He loved the whole day and certainly appreciated his mom and dad's efforts.
We woke late this morning after our very late night.  I didn't blog last night because I forgot to do it while I was in the house and then when the kids came home at 2 this morning from an evening out attending a concert in SF I left the laptop in the house and was afraid to go back in to get it for fear of waking them So no blog.
I watched Timothy while they celebrated their 6th anniversary.
This morning we went to a pool complex in Santa Cruz and several other little ones joined us including Nikki and the girls who drove down from Disco Bay.  We played in the warm and shallow pool for about 2 hours and then dried off and traveled back to MBA where Jason and Jo had lunch and then the birthday cake.  Jason got nice clothes, toys, a new swing and Papa gave him a gold fish, he has named the fish Fin.
This afternoon after all the party goers went home naps were in order.  I took the dogs to the beach and watched the eternal waves.  Starr and Lady loved it and even played in the waves.  Once I got back Jason and Timothy were ready to install the swing.
We made a quick trip to ACE in town and got extra chain, came home and installed it hanging from a limp in the front yard so now Timothy has a wonderful new swing.  I had sort of planned to drive home tonight but as the evening progressed the idea of driving home had less and less appeal.  So I will load up in the morning and drive home then.  I'm not sure if I will try to see the house in San Mateo at noon tomorrow or later in the afternoon.
I have enjoyed my time here very much and felt the warm hospitality of this place and the family.

So now its off to bed, the dogs are ready and STarr has been barking at me as if saying, its bed time Dad, lets go.

Thanks to all who made the day so special and thanks to Nikki for making the long drive down to bring the girls.  I just love it when we can all be together.



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