Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Dam breaks

Dear Family and Friends,
Last night was one of the worst in a couple years.  After falling asleep in the very warm room I woke to spend the next couple hours tossing and turning, mulling over the frightful possible outcomes to having no work, lets just say they were extreme and did not lull one to sleep.  Finally I roused enough to realize that I needed the room AC on, I hate to turn it on because it costs money.  Netherthe less I turned it on and in a few minutes began to feel things cool down.  Finally at around 2 I fell asleep only to wake up at 5 still wired and filled with angst.
I had to get up at 6 to be ready to care for the girls.  After a refreshing shower I headed over.  The girls were on their best behavior, totally fun, ate their breakfast down and Kallie asked for more.  Kallie wanted to come to Papa's house instead of the sitters which makes me happy.  Keanna thought skipping school and coming to my house was a great idea too.
Once I got back to the house I began to work on writing a report, took several phone calls, the most important was from Honda.  This time the lady was very polite and helpful.  They offered that if I could get the payments current they would let me skip a month and then move the due date so in effect I would skip two months of payments.  Of course that is a huge if, if I can raise the extra funds to pay the past due payments.
Early this afternoon the phone began to ring and within a few hours 3 orders had come in, more than the last two weeks.  One was a rush so Marilyn and I drove to Bay Point where we inspected a little home.  The lady at the management company needed a rush, its nice to know someone at these faceless management companies.  So when she asked I responded with a resounding yes.
Another order was bittersweet.  The nice lady told me this was the last appraisal she could order from me as all the orders were being challenged through management companies now.  She is a wonderful lady and I wished her the best as she tackles tough processing work.
Another friend is actively pursuing getting management companies to order from me.  She has been in contact with three of them in the last two days and has commitments to use me.  We will see.
Our weather has warmed up a lot.  We are now in more typical August weather and while its not fun its OK.  I made the mistake of touching a thistle when I was measuring in Bay Point, next thing I knew my side felt like fire and Marilyn is still pulling out tiny little arrows of pain from my side.  Not fun!

Well I'm going to head to bed, I think I can sleep tonight.  I'm seeing a place at 10 in the morning and its COD, can you believe it?  Actual cash to work with!

By cutting various things I've saved over $200 a month, the exercise club is on hold for a month, weight watchers is gone for now, the RV storage is cancelled.  Next I'm going after the Direct TV and perhaps cancelling one of the house lines which I no longer need.  Its sort of a slash and burn approach to get the monthly costs down and fast.

1 comment:

  1. Dad,

    I'm sorry to see you cutting weight watchers and the gym. I wish there were a better way to cut expenses. Good luck.

