Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ship sinking slowly, hope for rescue dimming, news at 11!

Dear Family and Friends,
Another day without funds in the mail, my last regular client informed me today that their managers have decided to use management companies instead of have them order, no new orders, where does one go from here?

At this point I have one report left to write up and then I'm completely caught up.  At that point I'll shift to working the management companies full time until something breaks loose.  I got word today that another company has put me on their approved list to use, of course no orders but another yes, better than no.

The highpoint of this day came at 4:15 when I picked up the girls and took Keanna to soccer practice at a local park, dedicated coaches work with these little ones honing them to focus their kicks, keep their eyes on the ball and run run run.  Kallie played nearby and then came to watch her big sissy play.  Nikki arrived to watch the action and to cheer Keanna on.  Getting over concerns about being stepped on or kicked will take awhile.  We are making progress though and she is running her little heart out on the field.  It was a drastic change of pace after fretting over writing two reports up today and getting them to the lender ahead of time, thinking about the absence of orders and wondering how in the world I'm going to be able to cover the daily bills.  To just lay on the grass and watch the little tykes race around and pursue the ball, to see the excitement and joy when the foot and the ball connect, good stuff.

I read some very interesting articles today about my professions.  For years the balance was there between the needs and the numbers of appraisers, then in the boom years schools pushed the idea that becoming an appraiser was a great way to riches and thousands joined our ranks.  Now we are stuck with them and while some are quitting not enough have moved out yet to clear the way for experienced appraisers to make a living.  One set of numbers was rather startling today, 27% of homeowners are behind on their loan payments and 47% are behind if they have one of the funny loans, interest only or high interest or no money down type.  Nearly half of these will go under and 90% of homes in California have loans that are higher than the homes are worth.  This is going to take some time to get through and its going to get worse before it gets better is my opinion.  Getting some new blood in congress will help stop the stupid spending but to get this buggy turned around completely will take some time.

At this point I'm still sleeping pretty well.  I tend to wake up early every morning filled with concern and dread about the day but after the walk things seem more possible.  I would appreciate your prayers so I'll know how to cooperate with the Lord as He leads and opens and closes doors.  Right now it seems like there are so many bills, its like trying to keep water in a bucket that just got shot with a shotgun, how do you plug all the holes where money runs out?  Its a challenge for sure.

This evening Marilyn, Lois and I took my certificate for a free mini pizza to Straw Hat, got the little pizza and salads thanks to Marilyn's generosity, then we hit up Nikki's house for some cake and ice cream.  It was a very nice end to a troubled day.

Love to all,


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