Thursday, September 16, 2010

Paying the bills one at a time

Good evening family and friends,
I'm just back from a nice evening, always great to have salad at Olive Garden.  Today was a productive day writing reports, getting them emailed out and taking care of business.
Ken did not walk this morning so I went ahead and walked without him.  It was a beautiful morning and at this point my body is used to the walk so its no special effort, just pleasure.  On the walk I meet people, some of whom I see nearly every day and we exchange greetings.  They have been redoing all our streets in Discovery Bay moving from one street to another as the days pass.  Its a bit of a bother but well worth it to extend the life of the streets for years.
For lunch my visit to the kitchen revealed I had mushrooms, brown rice, lettuce mixture, fresh tomatoes just picked from either Art and Connie's vines or my own vines.  It made for a great lunch. 
Mid day I started sneezing constantly and was pretty sure I was coming down ill again.  I took a sudafed which promises 12 hour relief and started pushing water even harder than I had been.  This evening I feel better.
Tomorrow at 11:30 I have an appointment with Jim Edwards, my physician.  The purpose of the visit is to get a biopsy of my lip.  I was told to do so several months ago by the oral surgeon so I'm finally getting to it.  Not something I'm pleased to be doing at all but I need to know if I have a problem with cancer at that point.
Mostly I'll just be very glad when it is over, the office visit.
Now its time to rest, love to all.


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