Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Fires Glow

This morning I just rolled out and into the tennis shoes Roger and Carol provided long ago.  They worked fine but the weather was just a big cold.  It was sunny but about 40 degrees.  Since Ken had not called I just went by myself and I'm glad I did.  There is something about just getting out into fresh air.

Once home I made oatmeal, used my last banana and microwaved a couple Stripples.  With Breakfast out of the way I hit the shower, a time I really enjoy very much.

I came down and set to work after building a fire.  I've kept that fire going all day and what was so nice this morning was the hot coals left from last night.  Using Oak the fire lasts a very long time and the coals soon had the new wood roaring.

I wish I could say I've accomplished a lot today but that would be a lie.  I've filed stacks of files, set up orders, cleared up my desk and written reports, just not as many as I should of by now.  This evening I've been enjoying some past episodes of Bones and was shocked to discover that the main character is quite pregnant.  I think I may have missed some episodes inbetween.

At the point I have all the laundry completed and put away, the sheets on my bed are clean, the dishwasher is running and the kitchen is tidy.  In the morning I start off at 6:45 by drinking a lovely quart of contrast, then at 7:45 I drink a second quart and at 8:45 I have the CT scan.  They hopefully on time I'll check with Steve and perhaps Keanna can come back home with me and Steve can be on his way to see a house in Walnut Creek.  The really nice thing that has happened is that Steve is getting work from his own clients, that has been a very long time dream for me, that Steve would have his own clients, he is just an outstanding appraiser, honest, gentle with the homeowners and a hard worker and to see him get his foot into the door is very exciting.

I woke today to find I was shut out from my main client.  I pay a $10 fee for each order that comes through Appraisal Port, a clearing house and on the 15th I have to pay for the prior month's orders, well this time it was $200, that is I've had 20 orders.  Only problem I did not have $200 in any of my accounts and they had shut me out until I paid on line.  What to do?  I tried a couple credit cards but no go,  finally I put in the business account numbers and it went through.  Now that means I need to find money in the next day to cover the charge but perhaps tomorrow is my lucky day for some funds to show up.  I know by Wednesday I'll get a large check that will set everything right again for awhile.  Its just the inbetween that is costing me overdraft charges right now.  Not fun.

At this point I'm turning in, I don't stay up well anymore, I get tired, sleepy, eyes get scratchy and I just nod off. 

The CT scan tomorrow is of my chest and I hope yet I'm concerned about what they will find.  I would love to be rid of this cough, its been extra bad that last two days, why, I can't put a finger on it after several days of much less coughing.  Why!

Take care and lets work together to have a week of thanksgiving and peace in our lives.  God is so good to us in spite of the challenges we face.  I'm so thankful to have all of you in my life.



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