Friday, November 4, 2011

Very interesting week

Dear Family and Friends,
The week started out normal enough, inspect some, write some, schedule some and then it spun out of control.  Pain started growing all day until when Jerry said go to the ER I just did.

In a few hours they were operating, what they found we still don't know completely.  I'll learn more next week when I visit the surgeon.  We know they found and removed grossly enlarged appendix, a mass or mucous plug and a piece of the colon.  What I know is I have three holes in my tummy and a whole lot of residual pain when I laugh, cough or even just move from a sitting position to a standing one.  The pain is less tonight but I took a pain pill this afternoon so I could handle the inspection.

Gerry was a great driver, took directions well and we located all the comparables we needed to find.  He hates traffic which got me to thinking I used to hate it too but having lived with so much of it for so long I hardly notice when things have stopped, due to the XM radio, the books friends load onto the ipod and regular radio plus long talks on the phone with friends I just cope with traffic, move when I can and stop when I can't move.  I despise the commute lanes, they are totally unfair to the 50% of drivers that do not commute to work but work on the road all day every day, those of us who can't double up with someone in the car get the shaft.

Tonight I'm grateful for the help that Barb and Gerry have given me all week long.  Great food, great company, funny memories, kind gestures and support have been the everyday repast.

Tonight they are home tucked in their own little beds.

Tomorrow Jason and Jo with kiddos are coming to see me, I can't wait and I think we'll hit the park, watch ducks on the back deck and catch up.  Jason has had a tough week too with CT scans, chest Xrays and antibiotics now started.

This week Steve went to the dentist and ended up across town having a root canal, talk about no fun and a huge bill besides.  Then he had to crank out reports while under the intense pain that followed.

So now the Sabbath is here and peace reigns.

Love to all and thanks for your many prayers and expressions of support.


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