Sunday, January 8, 2012

Getting Organized

Do you ever notice how many times you need to reboot, to start over again.  I know I sure do, often it seems, I get bogged down in routine or depression, of putting off those things I really need to do on time and yet I put them off, doing something else, like busy work in the place of what is needed to be done.  Now people like my friends Art, Ron, Sylvia, they are so organized that they never put off doing what is most important, of course they are all retired now so they have a little more latitude in what they decide to do.

So last night I went to the movies and really enjoyed it.  Of course there was no one to discuss it with but somehow that is less important now.  I wonder if I would even know how to live with someone, to be with them, to have someone around all the time, it sure would be different than the last 4 years of going it alone.

This morning I rolled out at 8:30, rested and ready.  Since the wake up alarm of the high, 9.5 A1C I've been doing a lot of thinking, investigating and such.  So there was no way I was going to pass on walking this morning. Instead of getting all bundled up I just went in sweats and had a great walk.  I missed Ken's text at 6:30 this morning so walked alone.

I decided for a late breakfast and also decided to do something different.  I baked a potato, warmed up sliced mushrooms in a fry pan along with some brown rice and warmed pinto beans.  I combined these for a delicious breakfast.  Then I set to work in the office, I have grown tired of having stacks of papers everywhere so I just waded into the stacks of papers, stuff and tonight I've thrown away several loads of trash that has been collecting dust.  But while I was doing this good thing I ignored the must do thing, that was writing up a couple reports.  Now I'm behind on what actually pays the bills, emails of completed reports to the lenders hands.

For the late lunch I had more healthy things, broccoli, brown rice, more mushrooms, some vege burger meal starter.  Tasted great and was very filling.

This evening it was soup and I've tried to control the snacking, the constant eating of bread slices.  Giving something new a try, actually feeling pangs of hunger for a change.

Now its time to crash and I feel ready for that.  All in all its been a good day, getting things in order is important and that part makes me feel good.  I'm also ready for tomorrow, seeing three properties starting in Oakland at 9, a Victorian Duplex in the worst part of town.  Then back to Pittsburg to see a huge house, over 3600sf which is a short sale for less than $400K, then on back to Brentwood to see another place and then home to start doing the work I should have done today.

Life is good, got a nice call from a friend tonight, a lady that just knocks my soxs off and it was good to chat for a few minutes, soxs are back on now!

A nice thing happened today, my friend Bob wrote an email explaining that the rental Ford Fusion does actually have cruise control.  Since he owns one he really should know.  He explained how to locate it and turn it on.  I went to the garage, started the car and sure enough, it has CRUISE CONTROL.  Such a nice piece of news, makes the miles go by easier.  Thanks Bob.

Love to all,


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